welcome to the schoolhouse!
The Fernwood Schoolhouse built around 1890 (that’s the real historical name, I didnt make it up!)
Hi! Welcome to my blog, I am SO happy you’ve decided to join me on my blogging journey.
I moved into this little 1890’s schoolhouse in Sullivan County, New York back in March when there was still snow on the ground. It’s not insulated and is heated with a wood burning stove so it’s been cold AF and I feel like I’ve been waiting for it to be warm until about… last week! It’s almost like the people who built it must have used the same technology they used for old school ice houses, it stays that cold inside. I always think about how cold the the kids who went to school here must have been, but then I remember they probably had better seasoned wood than the stuff I was left with. It was tough to stay warm for a while and I am so glad that the summer is officially here!
The pet feeding area, featuring Poppy’s water fountain and Harv’s fancy crystal bowl.
Just a cute kitchen!
Here’s my kitchen! Its pretty small and basic and gets the job done. Most of the stuff came with the place but I did bring that yellow Catherine Holm enamel bowl and my Craigslist Vitamix!
I cook pretty much all my meals and I started cooking a lot of Harvey’s since I moved. It was so funny when I was looking at the recipes in Dr. Pitcairn’s book it was mostly stuff I eat anyway, just spiced and arranged differently. I love that he can help me go through groceries so things don’t go bad since there’s only one of me, and its so much better for him than dog food. I’d love to switch Poppy too but I don’t eat much meat and I don’t want to disturb her since she’s still on meds. I’m sure there will be plenty of pet focused posts for those who are wondering!
Precariously placed plants and the nice view of the road I have while I wash dishes. Its typically super quiet but the other weekend the demolition derby was happening down the road and I loooved watching the fun cars pass by.
Just showing you that there’s a fridge!
Its basically a Bushwick loft but in the country! I sleep behind the red chiffon curtain.
I really love this space! There is a ton of room for dancing around and the ceilings are so high, almost too high! I guess the previous owner had a very steep staircase that went up to the hole in the middle of ceiling and that’s how they accessed the “way upstairs”… not sure about that. Now I get up-upstairs from the little staircase thats up on the loft. Poppy’s been hanging out up there and watching me from the ceiling hole, so cute!
I also really like having the white boards. There are two that *came with the place* and usually I keep my To Do list on one and the other is things I want to *manifest*, but I always erase it when someone is coming over. Helps to keep it fresh I guess.
Just a credenza and china cabinet of clothing.
Not the most ideal closet location or design but the furniture came with the place and hey, it works just fine. The metal rolling laundry basket is mine.. or actually I was supposed to give it to my friend Ciarra maybe 5 years ago and if you’re reading this I’m sorry, come and get it!
Where the magic happens! And by that I mean Poppy’s catnip joint business.
This is my strategically organized business and art supply center. Usually everything is out and a mess on the table in the middle, but I had to clear it all off and move it over here for a photoshoot for my new blog ;)
Where the other magic happens! And by that I mean…. sleeping really well!
I dont have much to say about my sleeping area. I got a 5” memory foam mattress topper that made a world of a difference! When it was cold I slept with a little space heater and an electric blanket every night. Fire hazard much? Luckily we survived those nights and I’m finally about to put my duvet away for the summer. The curtain with the blue and white paint was once a cape type thing that I wore when I was Botticelli’s ‘Birth of Venus’ painting for Halloween, you can find some pics on my IG if you do some scrolling.
View from the top.
The Library, and one of Poppy’s favorite nap spots that moonlights as both an extra guest bed and where I lay to do breathwork.
The guest boudoir which is up the little set of stairs in the last photo.
Another view from the top! Please note Miss Poppy on the couch.
Back to how cold it must have been for those school kids, do you see the faint dark circle on the floor to the back and left of Harvey? That’s where the original woodburning stove was. So there must have been desks all the way around the room and I’m guessing the teacher taught in the back where my closet and little office area is. I love thinking about those kids in here. Big Anne of Greene Gables vibes. Speaking of which I have a love/hate relationship with Anne with an ‘E’, if anyone would like to discuss please let me know.
This is where we hang! The table is one of those Ikea tray tables that I found in the trash on my friend Terri’s block in Bushwick. It was missing the glass so I just use a piece of wood on top that was in the shed and keep forgetting to attach in any way. Oh and the zebra is Harvey’s wrestling buddy Lars!
Records, books and things!
The most wonderful bathtub, the water comes from a spring on the property.
I have been LOVING this bathtub. You might have noticed that there is no shower or sprayer option, but really its been fine. Over the past 2 years I have become a super bath enthusiast, I even had a blow up bathtub that fit in my stand up shower two apartments ago! I will definitely be making future posts highlighting some of my favorite bathes to take. I also have a pet spider that lives on that pink scrunchie on that wood thing next to the tub. Expect to see a post about her as well.
View from the patio, still haven’t cooked on that outdoor fireplace. Hammocks and a wooden swing in the back!
That’s all for now folks! I realized I didn’t include the back of the house which is where the original outhouse is, so sorry you’re really missing out. Now it houses the lawnmower and there’s also another stack of wood back there and the driveway. The property really is GORGEOUS and I cant wait to show you the photos I’ve taken of the woods, full of streams and moss covered boulders, it really is magic.
Thank you so much for reading and please let me know what you think and what else you might like to know about in the comments or shoot me an email at hello.mielreil@gmail.com
I hang out around the side a lot because you can’t see it from the road ;)